Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

For this purpose, “insure123.my” is a collective reference term for insure123.my

Access to insure123.my website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”) is granted by One Cover Sdn Bhd (hereinafter referred to interchangeably as “the Company”) is subject to the following Terms and Conditions.

By accessing and consuming the content of insure123.my, you agree and accept the following:

  1. You have read and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, the Website Terms of Use and the Website Privacy Policy;
  2. You have consented to the collection by submitting personal data to the Company, use (including without limitation, handling and processing) and disclosure of your personal information in the manner provided for in our privacy policy available in the Company's website Privacy Policy; and
  3. You have acknowledged and agreed that the Company may make changes to insure123.my Terms and Conditions, the Website Terms of Use, and/or the Website Privacy Policy at any time; and agree to be bound by these documents as amended and any other rules, regulations, policies or procedures that may be adopted, promulgated, implemented, modified or varied by the Company from time to time. The Company has the sole right to interpret, apply and disapply insure123.my Terms and Conditions, membership guide, and any other rules, regulations, policies or procedures.
    • This insure123.my Website hosted by the Company through which you can access certain features, services and information provided by the Company. Please note some of the abovementioned features, services and information are supplied by our third party partners and you can also access such hosted services. For the purposes of this Agreement, reference to services shall include hosted services by the Company. insure123.my Website will be updated from time to time to add, delete and change the available services, information and features.
    • The Company shall have the sole discretion to unilaterally (1) modify insure123.my programme structure, make changes, in whole or in part, with or without notice, to any aspect of insure123.my's benefits, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, conditions of participation or other features including these Terms and Conditions and/or membership guide, the Website Terms of Use, the Website Privacy Policy and any other terms and conditions communicated in any other materials relating to insure123.my, even though changes may affect the rewards and/or benefits entitlement; and (2) terminate, suspend, cancel, deactivate, recall or revoke insure123.my (in whole or in part) at any time, upon reasonable notice where it is possible and/or practical to give such notice. Any revised version of the Terms and Conditions shall be effective as at the date of publication on the Website. Any continuous subscription or use of, or participation in, insure123.my by you will be deemed as your unequivocal acceptance of any amendment to these Terms and Conditions.
    • The Company and its partners shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any amendment to these Terms and Conditions. It is your responsibility to keep yourself up to date in respect of insure123.my and the Terms and Conditions. The Company also reserves the right to change the identity and range of partners, benefits structure / incentives / discounts / cash back (including status thresholds, benefit, and reward entitlements) and eligibility conditions at any time.
    • The Terms and Conditions may be revised by the Company at any time by updating this posting without any notice being sent to you. The Company shall not be held liable for your omission to check the modifications and changes posted on the Website.
    • If you do not accept any of these Terms and Conditions, please discontinue your access to the Website immediately and/or use of the services provided.

      insure123.my Membership

      • insure123.my is open to all Malaysians and existing customers of The Company. Upon successful registration, each individual will be able to access the rewards and benefits that are available within insure123.my.
      • insure123.my membership is granted based on the sole discretion of The Company. The Company may refuse membership to any applicant without providing any reason whatsoever.

      Termination of insure123.my and/or your membership

      • The Company reserves the right to terminate, suspend, cancel, deactivate, recall or revoke insure123.my at any time and do not guarantee that insure123.my will continue indefinitely. The Company further reserves the right to terminate, suspend or deactivate your insure123.my membership (in whole or in part, including your access and right to utilize one or more of the benefits), for reasons which include (but are not limited to):
  4. Detection or suspicion of any unusual, irregular, suspicious, fraudulent or unauthorized use or activity or any conduct/misconduct;
  5. Anything detrimental to the interests of The Company, any threatened or actual breach by you of insure123.my Terms and Conditions and/or membership guide;
  6. You do not or no longer qualify (whether proven or suspected) for insure123.my membership under these Terms and Conditions;
  7. Detection or suspicion that you are abusing or misusing the benefits, awards or privileges under insure123.my;


    • The material contained in the Website is provided without warranty of any kind what so ever, either expressed or implied. The Company disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to imply warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose to the fullest extent permitted by the laws of Malaysia. Though the Company has taken all reasonable effort to ensure that the material on the Website are fit for purposes related thereto, the Company make no representations or warranties in any way what so ever to any information or material on the Website, or the Website as a whole, will be provided with uninterrupted service or be free from errors or that any identified defect will be corrected; further, no warranty is given that this website or any information or material are free from any virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, agent, programme or macros. The information and descriptions contained herein are not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms; exclusions are applicable to the products and services and are provided solely and strictly for general information and viewing by the registered members only.


    • The Company shall not be liable in any manner whatever for any damages, loss or expense including without limitation, direct, indirect, special, and consequential or punitive damages or economic loss resulting from the use of the material on this website. The Company also assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any system, server or connection failure, error, omission, interruption, delay in transmission or computer virus or browsing in this site or you downloading of any images, video or audio from the Website.

    Restrictions on Use of Material

    • The Website is wholly owned and operated by the Company and remains the property of the Company at all times. Unless otherwise stated herein, no material from the Website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, printed, distributed, modified, reused and reposted for public or commercial purposes including the text, images, audio and video, without the Company's prior written permission.

    Copyright and Trademarks

    • All trademarks, services marks, trade names, logos, and icons are the property of The Company. Nothing on The Website should be construed as granting a license or any other right to use any copyrights, trademarks or logos. Moreover, the downloading or printing of any materials on the Website will not result in the transfer, explicit or implied, of any rights. You may, however, download or print any pages from The Website for personal, non-commercial use only, provided you do not remove any copyright or other proprietary right notice.
    • The copyright in some documents and other material available on the Website belongs to third parties and such documents and other material have been produced on The Website with the permission of the third-party copyright owners. You must check copyright notices on or in respect of such documents or material.

    Links to Other Sites

    • Where the Company provides hypertext links to other locations on the internet, such is done strictly for information purposes only. No endorsement or approval of any third party or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressed or implied by any information on this website. Therefore, the Company shall not be responsible and makes no warranties in respect of the contents of those websites, the third parties named therein or their products and services. Linking to any other website or page shall be at your sole risk and the Company will not be responsible or liable for any damages suffered by any person in connection with this linking.

    Personal Data Protection / Use

    Data Policy

    • As a result of your interaction with the Website, the Company may hold and process personal information obtained about you and store the information with its related companies when you access the Website, and use it for servicing our relationship or potential relationship with you and identify products and services which are relevant to you, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing of the Website and for statistical analysis. The Company will not disclose any such information outside of the Company and its related companies except upon obtaining consent from you for such disclosure, where it is required/obliged by law, regulation or any other directive or order by any authority having jurisdiction over us, where it is to give effect to an instruction given by you, to provide you with the service herein, to enforce and protect our rights and property or any provisions of the Conditions of Access, or, where necessary and under requirement of strict secrecy, to sub-contractors or persons acting as our agents. Please see the Privacy Policy and Terms of use on further information on how your personal information is safeguarded.


    • The failure of the Company to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute any waiver of such right or provision.
    • If any part of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to any law which is applicable to the Company, then the invalid and unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision, without invalidating any other provisions of the terms and conditions herein.
    • When accessing or making use of any part of the Website, you may not:
      • post or transmit any information or software which contains a virus, worm, trojan horse or other harmful component;
      • interfere with the functioning of the Website or restrict or inhibit any other user from using the Website;
      • post, publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute or exploit any information, software or other material obtained through the Website for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of The Company;
      • post or upload content on the Website, in which you don't own the respective rights.

    You will indemnify The Company for any costs or damages that The Company incurs as the result of any such inappropriate content per the above being uploaded by you.

    Any attempt by any person to damage this site or undermine its operation may be a violation of criminal or civil laws. The company reserves the right to take legal action against such person.

    Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    • By accessing the Website and/or using the services offered through the Website, you agree that laws of Malaysia:
      • Shall govern such access and the provision of such services, and
      • Shall be applicable in the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions herein.

    insure123.my Terms and Conditions - Understanding your rights, obligations and responsibilities

    In the following paragraphs, “you” refers to all persons who are named under the account and insure123.my and/or their holding company and/or their subsidiaries and/or the subsidiaries of their holding company shall be collectively referred to as “insure123.my

    In using the Internet to gain access to your account, you will be exposed to the following risks:

    • If you do not have sufficient technical knowledge or you do not take safety precautions, unauthorised people may gain access to your computer or internet-linked devices.
    • Unauthorised people may without your knowledge gain access to your computer and monitor your regular access to your account and your transactions with your account.
    • There may be computer viruses or other malicious software which may interfere with your access to your account.
    • If you access your account through a public computer, this may expose your account to viruses and malicious software.

    You are liable for all instructions and transactions carried out through the use of your User-ID and password to access your account whether or not authorised by you. In particular, if you:

    • fail to comply with the following Terms and Conditions;
    • disregard the security measures which you must take; or
    • fail to take precautions when using the internet to access your account,

    insure123.my will not be liable to you.

    All charges, if any, in accessing your account will have to be borne by you.

    insure123.my Integrated Customer Portal Account Agreement

  8. fail to comply with the following Terms and Conditions;
  9. disregard the security measures which you must take; or
  10. fail to take precautions when using the internet to access your account,

Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) will govern the use of the web-account granted by insure123.my to you. By using this Integrated Customer Portal (hereinafter referred as “ICP”), you have agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

  • Once you have been given an account, you will be able to access your account with your user identification number (“ID No.”) and chosen password.
  • The access of your account must only be through the use of your ID No. and password. You must not reveal your password to anyone and you must take all precautions to ensure that your password is not disclosed to anyone. If you know or have reason to suspect that your password has been compromised or used by another person without your consent, you must change your password and inform insure123.my immediately.
  • You must not reveal the one-time password (the “Security Code”) delivered via Short Message Service (“SMS”) to your mobile phone or otherwise generated by or delivered by any other means as insure123.my may designate from any time in insure123.my's discretion to any other party and shall take all steps as may be necessary to prevent the disclosure of your Security Code to any other party. You shall immediately notify insure123.my if (a) you have any reason to believe that the confidentiality of your Security Code has been compromised or that your Security Code has been used in an unauthorised manner and/or (b) there has been any loss, theft, replacement or change of number of your mobile phone used to generate the Security Code. You shall be solely responsible and liable for any losses or damages arising from or in connection with your failure to comply with this Clause 3.
  • You agree and permit insure123.my to act on any instructions given through your account when it is accessed through the use of your ID No. and password. insure123.my will not be liable to you when they act on such instructions in good faith. If insure123.my p acts on such instructions, they shall not be required to, and shall not verify the origin or authenticity of such instructions. Once insure123.my receive such instructions, they will be treated as irrevocable and binding on you whether or not there is any error or forgery or fraud concerning such instructions. insure123.my may (but will not be obliged to) cancel any instructions given under your ID No. and Password without any liability if insure123.my know or have reason to believe that a criminal act, a fraudulent act, offence or breach of any regulation or legislation will be or has been committed. insure123.my may refuse or stop carrying out any or all instructions or reverse any actions carried out arising from instructions given under your ID No. and password if insure123.my are of the opinion that such instructions are unlawful, not properly authorised by you or for any other reason whatsoever. insure123.my have the right to require confirmation in writing of any transaction from you. You agree that in all the situations stated above, insure123.my will not be liable for any resulting damages and losses. Any instruction given by you for your account will be carried out in the normal course of business. insure123.my does not warrant that any instruction will be carried out within a particular time period or in any particular order.
  • You may change your password from time to time. Once insure123.my have accepted your new password, your use of your account through the use of your new password will be governed by these Terms and Conditions.
  • insure123.my may at their absolute discretion cancel your use of your account, vary, modify, withdraw or restrict your use of your account at any time without notice to you and without giving any reason. insure123.my will not be liable to you for any damages or losses that you may suffer as a result of such actions.
  • You represent and confirm that the computer from which you are using to access your account is free from computer viruses, malware, malicious code or software or bugs of any kind whatsoever. insure123.my will not be responsible for any computer viruses, malware, malicious code or software or bugs which may be due to internet services provided by any internet service provider. insure123.my will be entitled to change or modify our website from which you access your account at any time without notice to you and without giving any reason. You will be solely responsible and liable for any damages or losses arising as a result of the above representation being untrue or inaccurate in any way.
  • You acknowledge that you have read insure123.my's Personal Data Protection Notice from our corporate website, and agree to those terms and conditions.
  • insure123.my's records of all transactions carried out on your account through the use of your ID No. and password will be conclusive evidence that you had given instructions to carry out such transactions, and that such transactions had been carried out and binding on you.


  • The information and material on ICP are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and no warranty is deemed to be made by the insure123.my as to the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or reasonableness of the information and materials contained in or accessed through ICP and expressly disclaims liability for any errors in, or omissions errors in, or omissions from, such information and materials.No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory (including but not limited to, warranties of title, merchantability, satisfactory quality, non- infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, fitness for a particular purpose) is given in conjunction with such information and materials, or ICP in general.
  • The information and materials provided on ICP are for your information only.
  • Where ICP provides links to other websites which are not under insure123.my's control, insure123.my are not responsible for their use, effect or content. insure123.my does not give any representations or warranties for the accuracy of, nor does insure123.my endorse the information on those websites. The links are provided for your convenience only, and you agree that you access such websites at your own risk.
  • While insure123.my tries their best to make sure that the information available on ICP is up-to-date, there may be delay, errors or omissions that may affect its accuracy and currency. Therefore, insure123.my does not make any warranties that the information available on ICP is accurate, complete or current at all times. You agree that you will make your own enquiries to assess if the information is accurate, complete or current before you rely on the same.


  • The materials and information on ICP belong to insure123.my and may not be posted, copied, distributed, uploaded or reproduced in any manner whatsoever. You may not insert a hyperlink to ICP or any part thereof on any other web-site or “mirror” or frame ICP, any part thereof or any information or materials in ICP on any other server or web-site.

Intellectual Property

  • insure123.my is the owner and proprietor of all the marks, whether service or trademarks, and logos on ICP. As such, they may not be published, transmitted, reproduced, performed, displayed, adapted, distributed, stored, broadcast, altered, hyperlinked or otherwise used in whole or in part in any manner without the express prior written consent of the insure123.my.
  • Any pictures or images or audio materials or video materials displayed on ICP belong to insure123.my or are displayed by Company One Cover Sdn Bhd with the permission of the owners of these pictures or images or audio materials or video materials. The use of these pictures or images or audio materials or video materials for any other purpose whatsoever is strictly prohibited.

Limitation of Liability

  • No warranties are deemed to be made by insure123.my with regard to the accuracy and correctness of the information or materials on ICP. insure123.my shall not be liable to any third party accessing e ICP from whatever location, for any direct, indirect or consequential damages which may occur due to the use or inability to gain access to the information or materials on ICP, or reliance on any such information or materials provided on ICP even if insure123.my or any of their representatives have been notified of this possibility of incurring such damages.
  • Likewise, insure123.my will not be liable or responsible for any damages suffered as a result of any computer viruses downloaded into any computer or internet access device as a consequence of downloading any materials, images or data from ICP or from using and accessing ICP.
  • In addition, insure123.my will not be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever and howsoever occurring whether or not arising from or in connection with your access to your account including any direct, indirect, special, consequential or special losses or damages, loss of profits, loss of opportunity, loss of business or goodwill, loss of interest and including:
    1. insure123.my acting on instructions given through the use of your ID No. and password whether or not authorised by you;
    2. any destruction or delay or alteration of any instructions, information transmitted or received by you through your account or any mistake in the transmission of the instructions, information transmitted;
    3. reliance on the information accessed by your account through the use of your ID No. and password;
    4. any unauthorised use of and/or information relating to your account which is obtained by a third party as a result of your access to your account;
    5. any stoppages or interruptions of ICP on which you access your account;
    6. any disclosure of information to third parties due to your negligence or failure to keep your ID No. or password confidential;
    7. any losses or damages associated with software defects, hardware breakdowns, network vulnerabilities, malicious attacks, cyber-attacks e.g. denial of service attacks, security shortcomings, hacking incidents, fraudulent activities and system failures which may occur despite our best efforts; ors
    8. any interruption or ceasing of the operation or availability of your account;
  • insure123.my shall only be responsible for direct losses or damages which may be reasonably expected to result from any of the circumstances only if such losses and damages were caused by Zurich Group's gross negligence or willful default.

Evidence of transactions

  • The use of your account and/or password to access ICP, including using insure123.my's on-line services and accessing your policy details, will be recognized as your electronic signature and is legally binding. insure123.my's records of the transactions made on ICP shall be deemed to be conclusive and binding evidence of the same. To the extent permitted by law, you accept that our electronic records will be admissible as original documents in court and agree that you will not dispute the accuracy or authenticity of such records.


  • You agree to indemnify insure123.my against any claims, losses, damages or expenses (inclusive of all legal costs on a full indemnity basis) howsoever caused which may be incurred by insure123.my in providing the account to you including but not limited to the following:
    1. the taking of any instructions and acting upon such instructions made through your ICP account accessed by way of your ID No. and password;
    2. the improper or unauthorised use of your ICP account;
    3. any act or omission by any internet service provider;
    4. any delay or failure in transmission, despatch or communication facilities; or
    5. any access (or inability or delay in accessing) and/or use of any browser to allow access to your ICP account or for any defect in any such browser.

Variation or Modification of Terms and Conditions

  • insure123.my may at any time at their absolute discretion vary or modify any of the Terms and Conditions.


  • No failure or delay by insure123.my in exercising or enforcing any right or option under the Terms and Conditions shall operate as a waiver thereof or limit, prejudice or impair their right to take any action or to exercise any right as against you or render insure123.my responsible for any loss or damage arising therefrom.


  • If any one or more of the Terms and Conditions are deemed invalid, unlawful or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall not in any way be affected or impaired.

Third Party Rights

  • A person who is not a party to this agreement governed by the Terms and Conditions for your ICP account has no right to enforce any of the Terms and Conditions.

Governing Law And Jurisdiction

  • The Terms and Conditions, the construction and enforcement of the Terms and Conditions and the interpretation of the rights and duties of the parties hereto shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia.
  • The courts of Malaysia shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to hear any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Terms and Conditions and the parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of such courts.
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